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 Enrollment Process 

  1. Before contacting us, we ask that you first browse through our website and facebook page to decide if our program might be a good fit for your family's values and beliefs.

  2. Waitlist: Our waitlist is always open and always free! When a spot becomes available, we will refer to our waitlist and look for the age and gender needed to support and maintain balance in our classroom and reach out to families, respectively. At that time, we will schedule a tour for your child and family. 

  3. Scheduled tours: Our tours are designed to be a "Meet & Greet" opportunity. During our dedicated time with you and your child, we can answer any questions, share our classroom and outdoor environment, and illuminate our approach to teaching and guidance. Tours are always scheduled after business hours, beginning at 5:10pm.

  4. Enrollment offer: Once an enrollment offer is made, a one-time, non-refundable registration fee will be required to secure your child's spot. You will receive an enrollment welcome packet with all necessary paperwork for admission.

  5. Circle-Time Visit: We encourage you and your child to visit our classroom at least once prior to your child’s first day of school. The scheduled visit will coordinate with our friendship circle-time followed by imaginative outdoor play. Visits are limited to one hour. Parent's must accompany their child throughout the entire visit.​









Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

 8:00 - 5:00


Ages Served

2 yrs. - 4 yrs.



We pride ourselves in having a small peaceful preschool.

We only enroll up to 10 students and

we have an assistant teacher

that visits a few of times per week.


Monthly Tuition

5 days- $1,133

4 days- $1,033

3 days- $933


Registration Fee:

One time, $200



Annual Supply Fee:

April - $200



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